Avast Press

AVAST is Awarded Best Employer in the Czech Republic

Written by Avast PR | Nov 26, 2013 12:00:00 AM

~ AVAST stands out amongst top companies in employee engagement, leadership, performance, brand and sustainability ~

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, November 26, 2013 AVAST Software, maker of the most trusted and recommended antivirus in the world, has been named best large-size company employer in the Czech Republic by global HR consulting and outsourcing firm, AON Hewitt. AVAST excelled in all attributes of the annual study, which includes engagement rate, trustworthy leadership, high performance culture, attractive employer brand and sustainability. MICROSOFT s.r.o ranked second in the final report of large-size company employers, followed by SAP ČR, spol. s.r.o.

The study’s results were evaluated based on the HR policies of the companies, as well as feedback from their employees and leaders. AVAST scored 89% in engagement, 49% more than the Czech average. According to AON Hewitt, company engagement is a key influencing factor in the final ranking, and reflects the employee’s intense desire to be a member of the company, their consistency in speaking positively of the company overall and the extra effort and engagement in their work that contributes to the success of the business.

AVAST also ranks first (81%) in high-performance culture. Hewitt explains in its report: "High-performing companies show clear accountability about the strategic goals, employees are aware of how they can contribute to business success and they are supported by their managers in doing so. Moreover, these companies reward and recognise their employees not only financially and morally, but also with future growth opportunities aligned with the future needs of the organisation.”

In addition to receiving high marks in engagement and high-performance culture, AVAST also scored above 80% in the trusted leadership, employer brand and sustainability sections. AON Hewitt describes trusted leadership as senior company leaders engaging with their employees, to build a trusting relationship, and therefore raising motivation within the team to achieve their future vision with high efficiency. AVAST was awarded 91% for its ability to recruit and attract top quality employees that it needs to realise and accomplish business goals, distinguishing itself from its competitors. With 25 years of success and experience, AVAST scored 88% in the sustainability category, proving that the company is not only fully capable of building strong relationships internally, but externally as well, in order to proactively produce long-term success.

“I am extremely proud that AVAST has been named best employer. The entire company constantly works together to maintain the extraordinary company culture the founders established 25 years ago, which gives employees freedom in completing their tasks and flexible working hours,” said Kamila Stěpánková, HR Director at AVAST. “The employees have the opportunity to contribute to the most trusted antivirus software program in the world, a product that protects 200 million users, that is both a huge honour and responsibility that makes their daily work interesting and compelling.”

Please visit AVAST’s careers page for more information.